German nationality

Certificate of nationality, © Ute Grabowsky / photothek.net
Non-acquisition of German nationality for children born abroad to German parents
Children born abroad do not acquire German nationality by birth if their German parent(s) were themselves born abroad after 31 December 1999 and at the time of the child’s birth were ordinarily resident abroad, provided such children acquire another nationality upon birth.
Children that fall into this category may acquire German nationality retroactively if their parents register the birth with the German authorities before the child’s first birthday. This deadline is deemed to have been met if the application is received by the Embassy within the one-year period.
To apply to register your child’s birth you must submit the following documents:
- The application form duly filled in.
- Your child’s birth certificate.
- The parents’ birth certificates.
- The parents’ marriage certificate (if applicable).
- The parents’ passports/ID Cards.
- The parents’ Maltese residence cards or other proof of residence in Malta.
- Other documents relevant to the marital status of the child (custody orders or similar), if applicable.
Please note that your child cannot be issued with German identity papers until a complete application for registration of the birth has been submitted.
Acquisition of German nationality by children who so far were excluded in a gender-discriminating manner from acquiring German nationality
Children born to a German parent after 23 May 1949 who, under the version of the Reichs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetzes (Reich and Nationality Act) valid at the time of their birth, were excluded in a gender-discriminating manner from acquiring German nationality by descent have the option to obtain German citizenship by making a declaration to the competent citizenship authority. The option also applies to the children's descendants. More ...